Tuesday, November 9, 2010

A day at the "beach" in the park

Isaac is on Diwali break this week from school, and he is as happy as an otter on a mudslide to have a week off. On Monday he decided that we should have a beach day at the playground and we bought some sand toys that we found the other day at Reliance. He insisted on wearing a swim suit and a swim shirt and Levi also wore his Buzz Lightyear swim gear. Isaac wanted to make a swimming pool in the sand with some water that we brought but he was a wee bit disappointed to realize that the water just absorbs into the sand very quickly. As a consolation though we were able to make some pretty cool sand castle towers with the wet sand. Isaac also invited two little girls to play with us named Mega and Cuhu and the boys really hit it off with them. They all went on the tire swings and Isaac sang them some silly songs like “Old MacDonald had some pants” and he loved it when the girls laughed.

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