Sunday, September 12, 2010

La Comida

September 12, 2010

So we are feeling a bit more adjusted after a couple of weeks in Gurgaon, India. I still desperately miss shopping at Target, Walmart, Costco, Aldis, etc., but I’m starting to make sense of shopping here. Kind of. The stores here are set up very differently and have twenty varieties of lentils and rice but no string cheese, mozzarella cheese, Colby jack cheese, American style yogurt and milk, etc. Now I can survive without the dairy perks, but my boys feel otherwise. Actually we have found some drinkable yogurts they like and there is always ice cream so they will still get some calcium in their diet. But, alas, alack, they are also feeling a cereal void in their lives now. Pretty much the only two cereals available here are corn flakes and coco puffs. My boys are huge Quaker Oatmeal Square fans and Rice Crispie fans, so its been an adjustment. We’ve been eating a lot of eggs and improvised pancakes for breakfast. On the bright side, a really cool neighbor named Rutchi has helped us out a ton. She sent us her maid named Meroon to help us with basic cleaning once a day and she helps me make an Indian style dinner. Now Meroon only speaks Hindi so it makes things interesting. I find myself always wanting to speak in Spanish with her, but I'm trying to pick up on basic Hindi words. James and I are in heaven with the food Meroon knows how to make, but the boys are in spice denial. At least we can get peanut butter and jelly here. I’m hoping that little by little I can win the boys over to the awesome food, but it will definitely take some time.

1 comment:

  1. We love reading about your adventures...keep them coming
